~*~Sabian's Baby Book~*~

Sabian is the Daughter of the Lord Ahriman and Lady Silvereyes Andromeda... She was born half-mortal from a magickal gift possesed by Silver and the women in the Family of Blood...
As only a half-nosferatu child... her vampyre instincts and powers remain surpressed most of the time... and she ages at the rate of a normal mortal child... Appearing as any other child would to the mortal eye...
She will be fully turned when she comes of age and the body she occupies is fully matured...
She was born a Princess to the Empire of Angel de la Guarda... being the first child to Silvereyes... First Princess of Blood... and hier to her estate... Upon Silver's move to the House of Andromeda... she too... was accepted amongst the ranks... and named First Princess to the House of Andromeda... And Rightful Hier to the Lady Silvereyes Andromeda by both birthright... and blood...
She is a child of the sweetest blessing... and is a complete Angel...
...Angel Of Darkness...
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