The Black Guard

Spelled out upon the pages of the book is a short history of the Guard and what it is... as if the Introduction alone of a great novel had been copyed into this for thy eyes to see... Enough to let thee know what it is... but not enough to tell thee anything of importance to the group...
The Black Guard is a group that originally started as a coven long before I was born...
It was a group of nosferatu who wished to combine their energies in
order to make thier magick stronger... For they already could sense
the dwindling magicks in the world...
Yet this was a few thousand years past... Their purpose at that time was to protect that which was natural and of the earth from the mortals... and to protect themselves... Each linked to the others... In a time of needing...
they could draw upon the other members power by link of their
truename... Thus each member of the group was as strong as the whole
of them together...
Now as the years past it became apparently clear
that the earth was in more nead of their watching than ever before...
So as well as thier links to the others... They became watchers of
magick... They guarded the natural enrgies sources of the earth... and
prevented mankind from further desecration of sacred grounds...
Yet... there is only so much one can do... for though strong... the group is
elite... and the numbers small... For few possess the proper knowledge
and skill to handle the magicks of an entire group of nosferatu...
espiecally that of the elders...
At the time I was brought into the guard... It's purpose had grown further to encompass the actual protection of magickal beings as well... Such as Weres... Spectors... the Fae... and espiecally the dwindling numbers of banshee...
It was even allowed... for the first time ever... for other supernaturals
besides nosferatu to be let into the guard... though to this day it is
still mainly nosferatu...
Over the years I practiced... it was highly
apparent that I had a high ability in sighting high energy sources in
the earth... and putting up proper guards and protections... It was
also apparent that I fought for the cause with great passion... And
even though young... could weld the power of the group better than
most of the others... Though my experience was considerably less... I defended that
which could not defend itself with much honor... and I protected those
of high magickal abilities... whiter friend or foe... for the good of
the earths magick as a whole...
I was slowly given many promotions as
I rose upon the ranks of the guard... moving from neophyte to full
member... from member to watcher... from Watcher to Guardian... from
Guardian to Eternal Protector and Head Guardain... to Priestess and
Advisor to the High Priest... and eventually... when the time came for the old one to
go... when the time came that the old Founder wanted to retire... the
High Priest appointed me as High Priestess... and the old Priestess
and He both stepped down...
I have goverend the Guard by myself since...For amongst the Priests in my group I have not seen the potential
yet in any to deem them High Priest... and so I remain alone...
The current duties of the guard include setting up magickal blockades and domes of protection over high energy points in the earth... and
guarding the sacred places...
If one of the blocks is being altered
with... It is our duty to ensure the magick stays intact... Even if it
means the defense at risk of thy own life... For this world can not
afford to loose anymore of it's magick... We are to defend those that
hold high qualities of magick within their souls... whether mortal or
otherwise... friend and foe alike... And we never kill any that
possess such magicks... under penalty of severe punishment... There
are few exceptions to this rule... Yet there are some...
We also hunt
down those that hunt the others... Removing any that would attempt
and/or continue to kill those of high magickal traits... potential
and ability...
With these duties... any member of the group has the ability to draw upon the powers of the
entire group through me... of from individual traits within the
group... (i.e... the ability to shapeshift... due to the Were's
within the guard... Also... the banshee's voice and sirens
The only vows any members of the Guard are asked to make are as follows... To vow to uphold the ways of the
Black Guard at all costs... And to defend the earths magicks and it
peoples from the mortals... and any others who pose a threat...
~*~Lady Silvereyes Andromeda~*~
High Priestess of The Black Guard
The book flips through the pages by itself... and in glowing writing are the words:
Petition For Admitance to The Black Guard
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