Thee gaze back through the ripples of time...

The pages of the book slowly turn and a story is written upon the lines... as if it was a journel entry of sorts....
I grew up in the back hills of Ireland... Born in the year 1525 to an
Irish mother and french father... the worst type... for he was abusive
and cruel... My sister... my twin... Shamar... and I watched
helplessly as he slowly ate away at her mother's soul... she grew
helpless and weak... and though loving and kind to us... She had no
real will of her own...
When he could do no more damage to mom... he turned to Shamar... The
one with the heart of gold... pure as anything could be... for he
could not come to me... I scarred him somehow... I had a strong will
and a fiery temper and he dared not mess with me... But I was
helpless the nights I heard my sisters tears as she curled up next to
me afterward... I vowed my rengence... for my twin and my mother...
My Mother was a stunning creature with long golden curly golden blonde
hair halfway down her thighs... and bright green eyes... greener than
the fields my sister and I played upon... My twin and I however... Had
different traits... beautiful... but not decendent from any known
members of either side of the family... Flaming red hair... in waves
rather than curls... That eventually grew to be nearly as long as
mothers... Then there was our eyes... The only true difference above
us... both blue... to an extent... If you can truly call my eyes
blue... Even as a mortal they were not normal... but gray and icy...
flecked with such intensity and feeling few if any could stare within
their depths for long... For the clans members whispered and talked of
witchcraft... and many thought their souls would be trapped in the icy
depth of my gray-blue eyes... Shamar however... had eyes like the sea
after a storm... blue and deep as the ocean... entancing and as
stunning as mine... but deeper...
There came onto our home lands a dark Lord... He was cruel and my
sister and I sensed something harsh and fierce... He had dark raven
hair and green eyes unmatched and unsurpassed by any I have ever
seen... His name was Lour... I to this day do not know how such an
evil and cruel person as he could ever posess such beauty as he did...
And one could fall in love with those feline eyes... If they were not
on him... He took it upon himself to choose a bride.... and though
Shamar and I's hands were wished by many... niether of us was ready to
leave our poor mother...
However... She died one night... under strange circumstances... and
everyone was much more abuzz with the talk of evil magicks...
Lour was selective... and although attracted to my twin and I first by
mere beauty... He found something different within me... My eyes the
first clue... and he sensed a power so rare... So pure and untapped...
He wished it... And saw me as his... He wanted to turn me and have me
rule by his side... I however... Was stubborn... I did not love...
nor even like this man... And I sensed something in him wicked and
cruel... I refused his proposal... And when I learned what he was... I
rejected him yet again... spiritually...
Now mayhap the night it happened he would have come for me... I'll
never know... but it was then that Athenia showed up... out of the
blue like an Angel to save me from Lour's dark fate... Silken black
hair and eyes with a color that can not be named but a beauty beyond
compare... She had been in my dreams for months... and when I saw her
I was totally at peace... All I know is that Lour never came about
when she was near... never...
For weeks she came to me by nights when all else were asleep... I
always knew what she was... Yet never feared it... And we would walk
timeless paths along the forests and hills... talking endless hours on
life... on magick... on love... on anything and everything... And she
was my secret... Not another soul knew...
She brought me to her home... Or at least... The home at the time... A
castle several weeks ride from my home... but perhaps but days as the
eagle flies... Yet for us... It did not seem as long... and I stayed
with her a week... Exploring the stone walls and ever changing rooms
about me... Swearing the paths were different coming out than going
She gave me a tour of arts and treasures beyond compare... And at
nights she threw grand parties... with fine gowns and much splendor...
Though none that ever attended were mortal... Save me... And I helped
her prepare... Though that was truly Gavin's to do...
She gave me a wing in the castle for myself... and a servant to attend
to me... Alaura...
At times I would sing for Athenia... and I started to learn to play
the harp... Though at the time... just begining....
When the week was over... and I was to return... We took a walk
amongst her garden... And visited the family graves... Though they
were only truly there astrally... For the real graveyard is
elsewhere... And as we walked through her magickal trees and plants
and lands... Shere power overwhelmed me... And it was then she asked
me... If I ever would think of becoming like her... I told her I
would... but I would not ask it of her... For I knew her rules on
never turning... never having children... And though I loved her
truly... Would not make her have such a conflict of choice...
Then she offered... She said I offer it to thee now... If thou dost so
wish... for I could not bare to give thee up... And I would wish to
have thee for all eternity... I agreed... happily... joyfully... It
was to be done the next night... Then I would return in secret for a
private fare well to my twin... no other... for I could not bare the
thought of her always wondering what happened to me...
The next night I was turned... It was done in a fully cast magickal
circle... surrounded by white candles... And afterwards... Though not
neccasary but more as a test of strength... will... and purity... I
was buried in the family cemetary... With mother.... In an overlarge
coffin... All night I sent my thoughts and pain to the ocean... which
will take and take and never give any back... As mother gently soothed
the mortal death... And upon waking... I broke out of my grave... and
took mother out when complete... She was so proud when she saw me...
How perfectly I was made... And what I had become...
We washed and dressed... And I made my way to see my sister... to say
fare well... And possibly even take her with us... For we were
departing Ireland and leaving for Europe within the month...
Yet when I arrived she was not there... And a mental message came to
me... The secret talk Shamar and I had used all out lives... Gifts of
twins... She was crying and in pain... Then I recieved Lour's
message... He had her... Come to him... Be his Dark Queen... If I gave
myself to him... He would set her free... What else could I
do...? It was my twin... my sister... my life... my Shamar...
So I went... To find him a liar and false... When I arrived... She was
on an alter of sorts... Tilted... To drain the blood... When he saw
what I was... he cursed me... enraged that another had beaten him to
it... He spit insults out at "the woman"... "the thing" ...that had
stolen what he said what was rightfully his... And that this was meant
to be... Enraged as he was... He was still willing to take me... but
he killed Shamar... there... in front of my eyes... and I was not
quick enough to stop it... That scream... both the real and the
mental... Are forever etched in my soul... For she cryed out my
name... but once... "Rene"
To this day I can not forgive myself... She died... because of me...
It was my fault... and I could do naught to save her... Lour
disappeared after that... I vowed to avenge the murder of my twin...
My new mother and I left on shedule... her trying to comfort me with
soothing words and emotions... My own soul half gone it felt... It was
then I became this creature of pain that I am... and always shall
be... And I became Athenia's Lost Soul...
Over the years I wandered Europe... and the world... Sometimes with
others... others not... I became a gypsy in a sense... Even accepted
within thier society as an honorary gypsy... And many was the year
spent amongst them...
Time passed... And I lived many different lives... in many different
lands... Both for good... And for bad... There was even a time when I
was burnt at the stake as a Witch in Medival Germany... For all the
wrong reasons...
Slowly... As all things tend to be... time passed... My family grew...
and I eventually aquired other brothers and sisters... As well as
another love...
At the time I met him... he was known as Lestat... though now... His
name and Title is Ahriman... We had our problems with each other in
the begining... but over time... things smoothed out... As did we...
And we fell in love... And are courting to this day...
I have one living child... And that is my daughter Sabain... Angel of
Darkness... First Princess of The House of Andromeda... And Princess
of Blood... and she is my joy...
Recently... My mother Athenia decided to retire from her throne... and
she passed it on to my dearest sister and Angel... The Lady Elyzabeth
Ash... whom I love dearly... And I am sure will rule with a wise and
just hand... Upon mother's retirement... I too... retired from the
family in a way... Giving up my right to the throne... and my place in
the hierarchy... Though I am still the First Princess of Blood... And
they are still my family... After all... families are forever....
Upon my resignation of the Ruling Members of the Family of Blood... I
was accepted into the House of Andromeda... As one of the Triple
Ruling Matriarchs Of The House of Andromeda... With all the
responsibilities and duties thereof...
Thee look up from the book... and the The woman smyles again at thee... her eyes blazing softly... her hand calmly stroking the hawk perched on the arm of her throne...
So now thee know who I am... That is my history...
there is more... smaller stories within... My revenge upon both my
mortal father... and upon Lour... My loves... My deceased children...
Yet these are not to be scribed here... They belong to other places
and other times... So... I remain humbly...
~*~Lady Silvereyes Andromeda~*~ First Princess of Blood... And First Child To The Founder of Blood... Athenia de la Grem....

"When Iron Bells Toll...
They Ring In Both Joy And Sorrow"
Thee slowly close the book and decide to go back to the Main Hallway