This week we are in the "Spellbound" level.
It's the third and final voting booth down on the page.

If thou wouldst like to help support The House of Andromeda and vote for our site in the Fantasy Fights website competition - where we are a proud fighter for The Spellbound team - then please subscribe to the reminder mailing list of thy choice to receive the appropriate scheduled reminders to vote.
We will send daily, biweekly (twice a week), and weekly reminders to thee with the appropriate voting URL and site information. All thou hast to do is enter thy email address in the appropriate sign up form below.
Note: This is not a vote exchange, but a reminder list. Voting is not mandatory, nor does it mean that I am trading my vote for thine... If thou dost not like the site, don't vote, this reminders are simply for convience.
Vote For Us in the 'Top Designed by Women' sites
I am in two seperate website voting competitions at any one time, but since I have two seperate ISP accounts that I vote from, I offer two votes in return for everyone that bothers to vote twice for me (one in each competition). Because of this - I have two seperate reminder lists as it's essentially two seperate VEs. If you would like to support my site in only one competition, sign up for one of the "andromeda" main lists below to receive my primary voting reminders - then you will receive one vote from me in return. If you would like two votes in return, you must sign up for both lists to receive the secondary reminders at well.
Main Competition Reminders
Second Competition Reminders