House of Ryn

Thee open the scroll... and scribbled upon it is two titles... followed by a brief history...
^*^Lord Duvant Ryn, Patriarch to the House of Ryn... Son of Dryus... Brother of
Mynk... Father of Threatian, First Prince of The House of Ryn... Gan, Prince
of The House of Ryn... Soul Father of Xanthia Andromeda, Of The Triple Ruling
Matriarch of The House of Andromeda... Soul Father of Jennelle Andromeda, Of
The Triple Ruling Matriarch of The House of Andromeda... Former Companion to
Aceldama Andromeda... Love Immortal to Idumea... Guardian Immortal to Ephod...
Ezra... Phrophet to The Druids of The Gemoriah...^*^
^*^Lord Threatian Ryn, First Prince to The House of Ryn... Brother of Gan, Prince
of The House of Ryn... Father of Psyche... Soul Brother of Xanthia Andromeda,
Of The Triple Ruling Matriarch of The House of Andromeda... Soul Brother of
Jennelle Andromeda, Of The Triple Ruling Matriarch of The House of
Andromeda... Lost Love of Xanthia Andromeda, Of The Triple Ruling Matriarch of
The House of Andromeda... Eternal Wanderer... Worshipful Servent of The Lady
and The Lord...^*^
The History as told by ~*~Xanthia Andromeda~*~
In the beginning there were four...How they came to be, we shant ne'er know,
for they shall not speak of their turning and few are old enough to
remember...Although that there are rumors that these four are all deceased,
some say that they remain...I know not if they do or do not, I know only that
Duvant Ryn, Patriarch of The house of Ryn is the product of the blood of one
of the males...
And so was started a great house...One that survives still today...
Duvant travelled for many, many moons with his sire, but eventually thy parted
ways...not out of hate or anger or spite, but just out of necessity...And so,
Duvant was named Patriarch...Shortly thereafter, Threatian was born to him...
Duvant once travelled with Aceldama, he knew of our
family...Also, that is how Threatian learnt of the plight of Xanthia after
Mother's departure...They were companions for quite a long time...but things
seemed to fall apart and by the time Aceldama turned Xanthia the Houses were
barely allies...but, Duvant was not a man to hold grudges...he is still not a
man to hold grudges...And when he heard of Xanthia's sufferings, he sent his
son after her...
Threatian did not want to interfere see, vampyres can be rather
tempermental...So he stayed on the outskirts...watching her from afar and
giving her a helping hand to stay alive...for was it not for him, she may have
withered beyond repair...
And so, Threatian and Duvant were once again brought back into communications
with The Andromeda's and again was born an era of peace betwixt the Houses...
Threatian and Duvant are both preists to the Druids...As Watcher Status of
some sort is a tradition of the Andromeda's, so is the priesthood to the
Ryns...It is thought that Duvant may have very well brought Druidism across
the plains and into many areas of the world...
They are also a family of great warriors...wonderous fighters, masters of
sword and staff...And teachers of Xanthia...Their strength comes not only from
their blood, but from the magick in their blood...the magick that is also a
part of the Andromeda's...Because of their age...and the nature of Duvant's
sire, their bodies are aglow with a light from the Gods...They hold a key to
the very magicks of the Earth...something that so few can access...They are a
great resource to the Earth...A family that without, the world might lose a
large chunk of the already dwindling magicks...
The family helped Xanthia turn her first child and they gave her love where
there was none...For all of this, she looks upon them fondly...And she will
love family and as confidents for all time...They are the chosen
family of both Xanthia and Jennelle...and they shall forever be parts of the
soul of Andromeda...
Around the time of the coming of Christ, the Ryns found themselves pointed out
and persecuted...The townspeople turned on them and they were ne'er looked
apon in the same way again...No matter where they ran, things seemed to be the
same...and That was when Threatian took the name honor of the
persecuted one of the time...'Twas his way of showing his respect to a man
whom he hardly knew...A man whom he believed to have been killed under the
same pretenses as the Romans were trying to do unto him...And so, Xanthia's
lover became Christian...
As for the family today...
They are still around...they still exist...A rich and enterprising House, the
Ryns are still a link to the old old family that escaped much of
the pains of nosferatu existance...But there is still pain...Xanthia and
Christian shall ne'er spend all time together...they shall be forever plagued
with the separations that tear them so far apart...they shall forever suffer
at the hands of their madness...they shall ne'er find the method to relieve
their madness...
And so today, Xanthia and Christian are apart, once again...Duvant still
wanders the worlds...searching for the one thing which he can ne'er
understand...and yet, they are forever faily to each other...there is no hatred between them...Truly
so is the way with the family...They age not...their customs change not...and
they do not really have a place in this modern world, but they have found ways
to preserve the maintain their identity...
One day, Xanthia and Threatian will reunite...and they shall separate
again...And the wheels of time will continue to turn...nothing can stop
time...not the magicks of all the world and not two Houses of nosferatu...And
the wheels shall continue to turn...delivering all to the next millennia...and
from there unto eternity...
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