Command Performance
I look at you and tingle all over, I don't know why...
The fall of your hair, the way the light falls against your face,
entrances me.
When you look my way my breath catches in my throat, when
you look at me, my heart gallops like a runaway horse.
There is no reason why, but when I see you, my day brightens.
Your smile, the curve of your lips, my heart swells with joy and
happiness till it's bursting...
I long to hear your voice, the sound it makes, like swiftly
flowing stream over rocks, soothing to my ears. Your laughter like
bells and wind through a crystal chandilier, the birds hide in em-
barresment for their songs can't compare.
When I see you, I want to take you in my arms, to feel myself
held in your's, is a burning heat inside me. Your touch is like a
nuclear torch, my insides turn to running wax. My desire and need
become an overwhelming, irresistable force, yet I am powerless to
act upon it.
My reason tells me you aren't the most beautiful one around,
That there are more attractive others, yet they all pale and dim in
my eyes next to you. I don't know why, this lapse of reason, but
never let it end! My life suddenly so much more vibrant and full,
overflowing with boundless joy.
And if you feel the same, my heart yearns and is terrified,
that you do, that you don't feel the same for me...
Oh Heavan, Oh Hell on earth, this frightfully powerful emotion!
Can anyone else feel what I'm feeling now? The intensity, the sharp-
ness of every line of existance? No, Never, for then it would not be
mine, ours...
Beyond the broken panes of my window, there passes my love.
As I stare out of my cell, the sun passes before me, lingering just
out of reach. I am no Icarius, gifted to fly free from this tower...
Just beyond my outstretched fingertips, barely brushing them
is my love, my desire, my lust, my need.
Yet in this prison trapped am I. To look and see, to reach
out and touch but not hold, never to posses but be possessed by love.
Bound by layers and ropes of chains of soceity, a prisoner of
duty and honour. Bound in restraints stronger than those that bind
the great Fenris am I.
I long, with all of my beating heart and soul, to reach past
these shattered panes, to be with you. Joined love to love, even for
just a short while.
Your visage makes my blood boil, my heart beat in a frenzy, the
more so because you are forbidden, denied to me.
Only in my sleep, deep within the hidden veils of dreams are
we free at last. Deep, deep down into the Lethe I dive to find thee
and let the current sweep us away, together.
In all ways, is everything perfect then for us. {I toss and
turn in my sleep, as if caught up in the river with you}. Skin so
smooth, flesh so warm. Lips against my own, pressing gently and open-
ing, so perfect.
I dream of you in my arms, I in your's, an embrace as deep as
the sea's of the earth. The secrets, hopes and fears we share then,
everything under the sun and moon explored, shared together, no topic
left untouched...
And then when our minds, filled with the thoughts, feelings
and emotions of the other, intellects locked in an embrace as intricate
as a snowflake, we join and become one.
Our passions a fire, a flare, a beacon to all those others on
the oceans of love. Binding, twining, tightening into each other, be-
coming one, passions so long denied, suppressed freed at last to glory.
Our moans fill the night, ouder than the howls of wolves, our
hunger for the other even greater than the starving pack. When we join,
it is like the sound of violent thunder, our movements toward fulfill-
ment a continueous earthquake and when we reach the peak {hands beneath the sheet, touching myself as you do, tossed and turned in this storm of lovemaking}, the extinction of the universe in a wrenching climax.
Our passions spent, we drift together in that intimate embrace,
through the seas of dream, upon the bosum of the Lethe until we fall
asleep in each other's arms, is my secret heavan in this cold tower.
Cruel morning awakens me to the hell of my prison fortress that
soceity sets me in. For life here without you is hell, only in my dreams
do a find a temporary respite from my sentance.
Each day I go about, dull and sluggish, drugged by the drudgery
of empty reality. Forbidden, yet desired, needed, like a moth to a
flame, a junkie to a fix, you are my addiction, my only passion in life.
A fruit seen by one starving, yet forever just beyond reach of straining
I love you, but can never let you know, never let it show...
because soceity says so. I languish in a secret cell, never free, never
whole without you. I bleed heart's blood through invisible wounds with
out you to staunch them, until I die from the loss.
Nothing left, I carry on an empty life, with only the burning
torch of my secret love for you to light my way through life's labrynth.
Walking down the forest trail with you, your hand in mine. Watching
all that we can see together in the morning light.
Not you in the physical sense, but your prescense, your ghost.
We meet in the churchyard for our walks. In the back among the longer grasses
with it's written stones of people's memories. The cemetary of my memories.
The sunlight is always bright and warm, the scene so calm and peaceful.
There we meet, you walking through the gate, the light shining in your
long glossy, black hair, the colours all techicolour, white the clapboards,
green of Irish dreams the grasses about your slender feet and your shirt.
Slender your form as you come to me, arms out stretched to take my
hands in yours.
A sparkle in your eyes, bright as your smile. I take you in my arms,
as warm and sweetly fragrant as the gras about our feet. Your lips are as soft
and perfect as my fondess memory of you. For we are in the yard of memories.
Soft, firm, sweetly curved, your body against mine as our arms hold
each other tight.
We sometimes meet here when my heart is heavy or troubled. Other times
when I am weary and tired of life around me.
Here I come, usually when sleep has claimed me, or perhaps when my mind
wanders adrift.
You are fickle, still, even more so in memory than in life. For some-
times I wander this yard of memories without you coming to answer my call.
Or only the ghost of your fragrance lingers there and through the far
trees I see a glimpse of a shape moving slowly away that might be yours.
Yet many are the times we meet here, embrace then walk along clasping
hands and enjoying the surroundings and time together as we once did.
It matters not if we speak. Just the ghost of a memory of your prescense with me is enough.
The trophy is still yours, for no one else has been able to touch my
heart in the way that you did or as deeply. Maybe because I let no one that
close anymore...Perhaps because no one has come along to move me as you once
When we walk back to the church, pass by the gates leading into the
back, I feel the ghosts of regret and times past stir about me. There we
linger beside the posts briefly before walking once more amongst the quite
Yonder is your's, and we stop beside it to gaze into each other's eyes
as our fingers squeeze gently before parting the last time.
Atop the monument, a golden cup, my old heart, transfixed by the sun's
setting rays.
You turn away and step away toward the stone, a sad smile playing about
the corners of your lips as you fade away...
Leaving me alone once more.
Now it is my choice, and I choose to remember thus. The young fresh
girl, just into her womanhood. Gentle, kind, sweet, happy and tender. Beautiful, loving, laughing and smiling. A delight in all ways...
Not as we ended, the person who taught me so well how to hate,
Rather as a good memory, shedding the bad and the ugly until they are
lost in the sands of time.
My Love
I miss you, in the mornings.
I miss you in the evenings...
And I miss you in the still of the night.
When I'm half awake in the morning,
I roll over to put my arm around you and cup your soft breast.
Pulling myself close, right next to you then burying my face in
your hair against your neck. Drawing us together, chest and
stomach pressed to your back, your bottom and thighs firmly
resting in my lap, against my thighs... breathing deeply your
In the evenings, after the day's work is done and I'm
trying to go to sleep, I miss you and your prescense. Feeling
you snuggle up to my back, your breath warm on my skin. The
smooth warmness of your arm over my side, your fingers lightly
brushing my chest or waist.
I miss you so much. Lying in bed and your scent is not
there, nor the warmth of you next to me. There is nothing to
make me laugh or smile now. The ringing of your giggles, the
dimple of a smile peeking out reside only in memory my memory
No suprized gasp, no quickened breathing answer a sudden
inspired kiss after a caress of parted thighs. The silky light smooth
caress of long dark hair across hill of belly or valley of thigh to make
me quiver or sigh in supine repose. Warm sweet wetness of your
mouth against mine, mine against your's greet me here...
I miss your comfort next to me, only the warmth and nearness
itself would bring a smile to my lips and happiness to my heart again...
Holding you next to me, the night long, is better than any gold in the
land and softer too!
With these words, I try to stumble through to you, some of
the ways I miss you. These words are said to you with warm affectionate
love, which have never been said before or thought of about any other.
your warm friendly lover.
My Faerie Princess
Dark of hair and body, willowy thin and supple,
My Faerie Princess.
Always in flight, always fighting, on an unending journey, continueing an endless battle,
My Faerie Princess.
Struggling against nothing, eternally searching for the elusive unicorn evermore,
My Faerie Princess.
Never a moment more than to be held by a mortal man's hands before flying away as the great swans call you forth again,
My Faerie Princess.
Unqeunchable, resolute, unyeilding, never vanquished, yet ever fighting, always voyaging,
My Faerie Princess.
Onward you go, no need of astrolobe and sextant, with compass card forgotten, ever in search, ever questing,
My Faerie Pricess.
Clothed in mists, clothed in moonbeams, clothed in fairest silks, Thou Art Most Beautiful,
A fragrance fresh, an aroma pure as a Spring wooldland after a rain,
My Faerie Princess.
Eyes that are bewitchingly bright, eyes that delight, eyes that catch the imagination,
My Faerie Princess.
That this mortal body wearies, that this mind grows slow, my feet no longer run fleetly with your over the grassy vales in search of the unicorn, Fare thee well,
Fare thee well...
Upon thy journey, with thine battles thou can never loose, yet never win,
Fare thee well,
My Faerie Princess.
Trust. How much of life revolves around the word?
There can be no true love without Trust. Without Trust, there is only chaos.
Love is trust, a trust of the highest degree. It is a sharing, given evenly
between people.
Hope, hope for the future, a better tomorrow is also a part of trust.
What part of life is not built upon Trust? Friendships, business, law and
justice all rest upon the foundation of trust.
When there is no Trust, there can be nothing else lasting... Without trust,
there is no solid foundation for anything to arise from.
I have seen what come from love without trust and all of the horrors that
come from that. The slow degradation, destruction and enslavement of a soul.
Or what happens when a people no longer trust their goverment.
With the death of trust come the death of life itself. There is no greater
crime committed by a mortal than the abuse and or betrayel of such a Trust.
No wound is deeper, no hurt more grievious than the taking and willful
destruction of trust given in love.
A person unworthy of trust is a person unworthy of life.
When there is Trust, anything becomes possiable. There is no fear too
great to be shared, no shame too deep to be overcome. No secret too dark, though
understanding may be far down the road, but acceptance is there at the doorway.
Love is about trusting. Trusting someone else with your heart, your mind
and your body. You let them into your life and share with them all that you treasure
and hold dear. Give them a part of your soul and hold a part of their's.
Trust them deeply enough to hold them close and let them share your body
with the physical part of love. The emotional part, they hold your heart in their hands,
those things which are your strengths and weaknesses. In your soul, you have placed
your trust in them to treat well your hopes and fears, the future and all it holds for the
two of you.
You have no fears if you love and are truely loved in return. For there is no
place for fears to take root and grow. No rejections, just acceptance, understanding,
both given and taken.
One can have no greater friend or deeper trust than that of a love, for ultimately
all of the universe depends upon this.
Yet, when such a trust is betrayed, no words are adequate, no discription of
the shattered and vaccumous void left where trust once dwelt can ever fully tell the tale.
After such and event, one is never whole and fully healed, nor recovered completely.
Something precious and irreplaceable has been taken away, a rape of innocence and more.
Forever beyond reach or redemption.
Death of trust is the death of all. Belief, hope and wisdom. The price, the death
of trust, is in the end retribution, cold, hard and final. Nothing else will suffice.
Think carefully and look into yourself and others and place your trust and love most
carefully less it is lost.
The arm grows tired, the feet grow weary, the sense of duty is long gone.
The sun is early in the East, the mist is along the ground and the pines are standing quite.
Young is the day and I am old, the sun burns the mists away, yet it still persists for me.
Now even the mind is weary, that which was always eager and excited before.
I hear the wild geese calling once again, those which called long ago, Now call again.
With the geese I hear the gulls, White of wing and light of air, and with them the calling of the Sea.
The Sea! The Sea! How I long to see the Sea!
Alittle of the weariness falls away, but too far to go, too far to go to see the Sea, Oh too weary to see the Sea...
Many a day was it that I traveled far from the Sea.
Over stony hill and grass green meadow, through forest old and thick of gloomy pines and ancient oaks.
Besides rolling rivers and babbling brooks, that gurgle over the stones of time.
I have built high towers of stone and delved the caverns deep, under the tall mountains...
I have played flutes, harps, viols and
My hand has known and loved the sword...
But now the hand grows tired and the legs weary of travel. I wish to feel the beaches of home, beneath the bright stars and hear the waves upon the silver sands, to smell the Sea scent upon the airs and to feel my youth once again......
The pines are thick and tall, and I've lost my way back to the sundering Seas and the sandy beaches of my home.
Unfinished v1.0
I sit across the table from you and see so much in you.
The thick dark mane of your hair, falling like smoke down to your shoulders. Glints of silver like molten mercury tracing through the dark rolling waves, highlighting that dark cascade.
Long delicate lines, fragile the sculpture sitting there. The slender gazelle's neck running up under the dark waves to the high planes of your cheeks.
Full lips, straight and thoughtful...
Yet it is your eyes that draw mine. That warm shade of brown, I could name some of my favourite things, syrup - sweet and flavourful, smooth bourbon or fine Irish Mist held in clear crystal, amber or smokey topaz jewels.
Lost in some private space, somewhere that is familair in my own mind. Where pains, worries, doubts, regrets and personal hells reside. A place where I've yet to go with you or you with me...
Taking your hands, pulling you to your feet, folding my arms around you. Burying my face in your hair, your cheek resting on my chest. Smelling your fragrance, warm and soft and sweet as some exotic incense, your hair and skin.
Trying to give you some of my warmth, confidence in your abilities, support and love. It's there, the nectur of my essence waiting for you the humming bird to rest there and partake of it.
Raindrops falling down
On the world washing it out
Bringing freshness and
Vivid colours, Golden sun
Bright green grass, blue skies
Sunlight shining down
On dark green leaves beside me
As I sit and wait
Sunlight shining down
In golden shafts around me
As I sit and wait,
Softly warming the air and ground
Urging me to sleep
Mountains and valleys
Alike in the setting sun,
But diffrent to us
Mountains and valleys
Alike in the setting sun
But like Man, diffrent
Rising proud, high and defiant
Sometimes in Darkness
Sweet longing for you
In lightning and thunders high,
On ground and salt seas
In caves dark and mountains bright
At home and afar
River waters flow
Between crooked muddy banks
Slowly in the night
Sea waters rolling
Rising, falling and swirling
Splashing against me
Blowing wind
Hard gusting, swirling slashing
Falling white rain drops
Lightning flashing about you
The angry seas pounding
Seppeku Poem
Life is but a dream,
Falling star across the sky,
Death the awakening

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