Room Of The Dark Poetress

Education ... has produced a vast population able to read but unable to distinguish what is worth reading. -- G. M. Trevelyan
Quietly thee enter this part of the house... firelight and candles illuminating a vast library room with many books upon the shelfs... Sitting in an overlarge chair before the fire... Is the Lady Silvereyes... Ydrial... her White Tiger sprawled out lazily on the rug before her...
Thee step further into the room... cautiously... Not able to tell if thy presence is accepted or not... and when thee finally fear that the silence of the room and the popping of the logs upon the fire is about to drive thee insane... She notices thy presence... and with smooth movements and regal grace... stands and walks gently to thy side... appearing to glide upon the very floor itself...
"Welcome dear traveler... Thou art indeed a curious one... Yet all are welcome here... If thou art seeking the one known as The Dark Poetress of Pain... That would be I... As well as Goddess of The Muses... Those were names given to me because of my writtings... feel free to curl up with any of the books before the fire... and stay as long as thee like... If thee need anything... I am about..."
And with that... she departs the room... Ydrial quickly hopping to his feet and padding off after her...
Upon looking around thee notice several books of interest...
Open the book "Poems of Friends of Andromeda"
These are poems sumitted to the site for placement by those that are not members of the House...
Open the book "Featured Poets"
This is a section devoted to individual poets that have summited several works each... All poems here are of exceptional quality... All writings in this section are also by those that are not members of the House...
Open the book "Poetry of Andromeda"
This is the book with the writing of the Dark Poetress and other members of the House
Open the book "Stories of Andromeda"
These are the stories that have been submitted to the House... not all stories need be written by members...
Next to these books is another... This one... a book to instantly submit thy own stories or poems.... (Please read the directions for HTML coding above the form before thee submit...)
Read the words of other guests...
Submit thy own poem or story... |
Note to all... I reserve the right to remove any submitted poem or story at any time... Due to my own judgement...
If I like any poems submitted to the automatic poetry book above they will be added to the main poetry pages... Or thou canst submit to the main poetry pages via email...
: The poetry works of the Lady Silvereyes Andromeda that were once displayed here have all been removed due to copyright issues.
Silvereyes, The Dark Poetress, is a professional writer. Due to the amount of works she is currently selling, placing her poetry on these pages would violate some of her contracts.
If anyone has personal interest in reading her poems, they can contact her personally via email to obtain some samples of her writing.
This is a new multi-genre electronic magazine run by Silvereyes, the sole purpose of this site is to publish new and enjoyable writing, from fiction, to non-fiction, and poetry. We are always looking for submissions and new readers, please take a look.

Won twice
All poems/stories submitted remain property of their respective authors
Copyright © 1998-2001 House of Andromeda
All rights reserved...
Poetry And Stories Last Updated
December 29, 2000
