Poem 1
i do believe i love you though you claim it isn't true
why do you doubt my heart?
and even though you love me as only friends do
i loved you from the start.
now, i realize we are the best of friends
we've been for how long now?
with patience and love all our problems shall mend
i shall die by your side i vow.
if ever you do love me as only lovers should
i'll make it the icing on the cake
but you'll never love me, i doubt you could
that's why you're my favorite mistake.
Poem 2
i bestow my heart to you my dear
to do with as you please.
for it's already broken from pain and fear
choked by the pitch black seas.
the blinding light numbs my mind
til there's almost nothing at all.
and i find it hard to be so kind
the devil dost heed my call.
i'm forced to live alone you see
for my anger grows stronger each day.
so all thee can do is loveth me
therefore, you need not travel this way.
Poem 3
my dearest friend has left me
she's gone so very far away
but we'll meet again, you'll see
when i reach oblivion, one sweet day
we'll race through unseen fields
on pure black mares we'll ride
and you have no need to yield
once you reach the other side
so even though dear jen has died
she'll live on in my mind and heart
i have no reason to run and hide
she's forgiven me from the start.
To My Friend and Brother
I seek the peace, I long to find
The hope that hides from me.
I seek to rest with peace in mind
For, my love, you hold the key.
Come help me dance neath a silver moon
For I can't find love alone.
As moonbeams light the night like noon
I know the truth by tone.
The clarity of my fate is clear to all
But you think it isn't true.
And though my pain is very small
It should mean the most to you.
A Lament For My Beloved
i'll spend forever waiting to see you, my love
but i'm sure that will never be.
i'm not at all a hawk or dove
so i cannot fly, you see.
so i'll just go on hoping that
i'll see you someday soon.
and we can do much more than sit and chat
that we'll kiss beneath the moon.
i only just met you, but i love you so true
that i would give my life.
once, and only for you
if only to be your wife.
it's strange but it's real, i know
but i'll love forevermore you see.
i only just met you a few weeks ago
and i'll love you frome here to eternity.

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