The Sunset
Sinking the sun will drown in its own blood
With last conscience its oozed out blood
Bine stemmed branches of oak tree
Stormed by good twin present everlasting
On high pinnioned seas.
Shrunk shriveled the heart
Shudders in tentacles of willow trees
Touching not the fervourless spirit
Resting unwearied for nothingness
Plumed and ruffled
By bird songs of no avail.
The death lament winded not
In wilded plains
Stormed downwards the reddish glow
With all the despaired
Brained and eyed
Ever felt by the human touch.
To Melancholy
Dog footed deep rooted fist and fouled
Cankerous flea infested unglorified scowled
Floating above the four walled space
Drowning not thyself but every chequered face.
Wing wilted uninhibited web footed guest
Seeking not short lived stay but being adept
Burying your nailed claws in every nook
And the floor space
Even deeper steadier stiffer
For your imperished stage.
I can see your monstrous form when I wake
It hovers over me in sleep and shakes
Every deep rooted breath with lizard and snake.
I wishing the fisted strength to drive you & trod
Over the dunes unsung unrapturous over beaten sod.
Dog footed deep rooted melancholy be not amazed
If I throw myself and you out in the maze.
The Bats
Dark dark the jocund space with downy flesh
Black bannered hideous gloomier than rest
Under the low hanging tattered rugged sky
Float clouds dark tortured low lit as night.
A shoal of bats deep as rust
Tight footed damp smeared descend
Over the houses streets and creeks
Invading the dark deep dungeons in heaps.
The dungeon of my brain creeks and racks
While the shoal of obnoxious foxes descend
Each one fighting and probing deeper headed
Sucking last drainage of my refelled blood.
The fury of my blood has made them blind
In bunches they grope shriek and prowl
Blinded nerve rotten hindered to crawl.
Tired and thick with banging their heads
Against rafters spokes nails and knives
Hopelessly will hang themselves over cobwebs
Dimly constrained lured dumb and defied.
There they will hang like hope forlorn
Pitted from the depth drums will be sounded
The likes & days of noisier time will sanction
The shades of escape then will be outbounded
Hands of doom will climb to clutch their forms
And squeeze their brains along bloody hawthorn.
Terror tempest toe tripped screams
Shrieks and moans along the corridors
Death dark dribbled like the denizen
Of the hell harks to its crazy scrolls.
Prajna Sophia where is your hiding space
Happily you stay in your fortified paradise
While here we groan despair damp smeared
Rattle our bones breathlessly skeleton speared.
Here are no hearts to meet
Here are no hands to greet
But all the abandoned seas
Along gloomy shores of eternity.
I was the dead man‰s dirge
With slow knocks at windowed ledge
Where lamp is scattered in shadowy deep
In fulcrums of the armed reflective sleep.
Let a cut winged silverian bird
Unheralded to throw a beveled edge
Of huey arrows across the chasm
In deep oblivioned glaciered ledge.
Binding the hands to the limpid arms
Holding the noose the rope and the corn
I was the dead man‰s dire dirge
Drowning the scales of the distant surge.

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