True Love
My heart now aches
from the distance
between us...
So far apart, I've never seen your face.
So long apart, yet so close in heart.
So far a distance, I stand here alone...
Despite the distance, we share this love.
Across the gulf, we are of one heart.
Throughout eternity, we'll be heart to heart.
Somehow, someday, we'll bridge the distance.
Somehow, I'll find a way to reach you...
Someday, I'll see your face, and hold your hand.
Across eternity, I swear I'll be there.
Across infinity, I'll come to stand by thee.
From time beyond counting, I've stood alone.
Unknown to me was the missing part of my heart...
No wonder I've been so cool to everyone...
How can you feel when your heart is missing?
But now that I've found you, my heart is whole.
I've found whole new worlds of feeling..
Beside them, all else fades away to dust.
Though my heart still aches
from the distance between us,
now I have the hope to continue...
Living forever used to mean nothing...
I've been born too often to count...
For a time, I sought a way to pass
into the black void of Oblivion.
But now, your love and caring
have given me the strength I needed
to carry onward.
Despite any troubles, despite the sorrows,
I will continue to live on.
You've changed my entire life,
with that simple gift...
No gift can match the one we exchange...
No material gift can match our emotion...
Not even the sun can outshine this feeling...
Nothing can ever outreach this thing...
This wonderous feeling we call Love...
Defying the Fates
Before birth, we are one
One soul, unsundered, whole.
Then something happens
and we are shattered apart.
Amid these billions of soul-shards
How can two shards find each other again?
Sundered, heart from heart, soul from soul
Torn in twain, yet still belonging together
Each person seeks until they die or find
That matching shard who is their life and love.
I was born, large, massive, and strong
You were born, small, thin, and lithe
As opposed physically as any could be
Yet our hearts, our essences, our souls
They call to each other, matching shards.
Across a continent,
across a world,
I know I'd strive to be
standing beside thee
no matter the price.
A world of billions of shattered souls
A world of so many Seekers of life and love
How can any hope to find their match here?
And yet, somehow we've found each other.
Somehow, we beat chance, and found each other.
You stand there,
crying that you were
abused by the system.....
You cry about your
No one pays attention.....
The world keeps on turning,
and carries you with it!
The system is powerful,
and to it you are nothing
but dust and ash.
Look up, look ahead!
Quit whining and stand!
Up, you cowards, and
learn to fight back!
Nothing changes without
an effort by someone...
Someone like YOU!!
Now look around at your lives.....
You have surrender to tyranny
You have betrayed yourselves
The shackles you complain of
were put on with your own hands....
Those who dare to fight, you say,
are crushed by authority's power.
Shattered and destroyed, left
to crumble into dust, forgotten.
Hark unto me! Listen to my words, now!
Never surrender again to tyranny
Stand up and fight against authority
Rage against the lockdown of thy rights
Don't sit and whine....
Get up and show your defiance!
The system only has the power you give it.
If we all stand up and deny its might
then powerless it becomes, and it falls.
So up, and forth, to the fight!
Unleash your fury on their corruption!
Children of fire! Children of right!
All together, united as you fight!
See the might of the system wither
before you....
See their grand schemes for control
falling to dust....
A new age is dawning, and we are the
ones in the lead.....
End the injustice!
End the betrayals!
Rise up and smash their power!
Show the world your righteous wrath!
This is the time of the Reckoning
These are the Final Days.....
When Judgement now comes,
will you be one of those
who dared to fight for
what they felt was right,
or will you still be a lonely coward,
despised by all,
loved by none?
Lost to time
Mad lights now shine
Out of my mind
Chaos like mariner's rime
The world is shame
Full of ancient pain
Shattered soul
Incomplete, unwhole
Madness and misery
Chaos and agony
Death is one escape
Are there others?
Running like a hunted rat
Trapped inside my own mind
Shredded soul, never whole
How far am I from HELL!?
World in balance
agony vs sorrow
A lonely half-soul
Gone insane from the pain......
All that is, was, and will be
There's so much more than we see
All in the quest to be free
My life now means so much to me....
You and I, together!
Side by side, forever!
Forever part of each other....
Move the world; love is our lever!
Nothing shall ever block my way
Not Fog nor Fire; Storm nor Sleet
Though Heaven and Hell demand I pay
I'll fight on, 'till the twain do meet.
From past to present
I've been alone.....
From now 'till forever
I'll stay by you......
Whether peasent or royalty
Through Sun and through Rain
Though Heaven lock it's gates
Though Hell opens before me.....
I'll stand at your side....
I'll never forsake you......
I'll be there when you call......
I will dare to love you still !
Freedom's Fury
Life begins, already insane
Brought to life by chance
Genetic chaos; mutant by blood
Genetic diseases waiting to pounce
Learn that with punch comes praise
Genetic disaster balanced by power
No wounds may slay me; not diseases kill
Augmented senses give advantages
Differences set me apart
A world apart from them
A mutation scorned by all
Lonely silence rings in my ears
Yet from loneliness comes freedom
With scorn comes dark empowering rage
Ignored, my wisdom grows
A wanderer wolf now is born
Then to Alfandria, a new land
Mutations ignored; accepted now
Lonely no longer, yet freedom remains
Yet something yet lacks in this life
A place to call home, freedom's fury
Rage unleashed, now creates, the Maelstrom
Friends who care not about mutation
But something's missing still.....
Attempts to find love
Seeking the missing shard
Only half a being still
Without the missing piece
First trybecomes lies
Uses me as a ladder
A tool to discard
The first try falls in ash
The second try, now....
At first, a response; then
silence descends, nothingness
The second try falls to ice
The third, Merinasanith
completes the whole
Two halves, two hearts
Together, one whole
Once alone, now with friends
Once enraged, now at peace
Once a shard, now made whole
All that is, was, and will be.
Human (in)Sanity
LOUD is the human race,
an endless, rushing, booming roar
Endless hurrying from here to there,
and eternal yelling through the phones
from here to there and back again.
So-called music breaks the ear,
and tasteless gaudy colors burn the eye.
An endless racing roaring yelling
shouting whooping screaming
pointless useless human mob
WHY do humans exist? What are they here for?
WHAT was crazy enough to let them exist?
And HOW can they heal the Earth's sad scars?
WHAT should they do to prove their worth?
How can this endless shouting
oushing shoving running howling
singing wishing trying hoping
loving human menagerie prove
it's own true worth?
CAN it prove it's worth?
Enough waiting to be answered!!
Can they do it?
No, they cannot......
We of shadows must do it.
Garou, vampyre, dragon, furry.
Faerie, wraith, mage.
Born of shadows,
All of one kind.
We are Earth's children.....
We *must* do it, or else we die,
killed by humankind's creations.
Smog, oil spills, ozone depletion
Fires, global warming, polar meltdown
hatred, war, nuclear winter
We must win free of these
Together we *can* do it
Always together
Human insanity ruins our world
so furry sanity must fix it
Together. Always, forever, together.
That is the only way.

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