~*~Sabian Andromeda~*~
First Princess To The House Of Andromeda
~*~*~Daughter to Lady Silvereyes~*~*~

Thee wander thy way into what looks to be a gigantic play area... What seems to be the room of a small child... Unlike the other rooms of the house... It is brightly lit and colorfully decorated... The happiness that is abundant might make those of a darker nature... and lesser mind control... go crazy...if one allowed it...
Sitting in the middle of the room... Surrounded by Winnie the Pooh toys... Tigger and Eeyore stuffed animals thrown carelessly about the floor... sits a little baby girl... She has golden blonde curls... and deep blue eyes... as deep and beautiful as the sea...
She stares at thee for a while... curiosity in her eyes... and losing interest... walkss off to inspect some toys in the corner toybox... but thy curiosity is peaked as well... and as thee approach the babe... a deep voice is heard from behind...
"Do not go near my daughter unless you wish to lose your head..."
Upon turning around... Thou art able to see the dark figure of a tall man standing in the doorway... His long dark brown hair free about his shoulders... his deep brown eyes scanning thee for something... and he senses that thou art a guest of the house... and he eases his grip on the sword... but only slightly...
"I can sense that you are permited here... So you may wander as you like... but I warn thee... stay away from our little girl... Guest or not... No harm shall ever come to that child... and we protect her with our lives... But if you wish to know about her... as I am sure you do... you can find what is written of her... and how she came to be among vampyres and a princess of this house... Her Baby Book is over there..."
He points to a pastel book by the door... and as suddenly as he came... he departs...

Thee Decide to Read The Baby Book
Return To Main Hallway