Poems of Friends of Andromeda

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~*~Lady Silvereyes Andromeda~*~Dark Poetress of Pain~*~Goddess of The Muses~*~
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Poetry of Andromeda
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But then who am I to say nor judge,
I, being so perplexed and wondering.
For all I know this could be just another white night and wine and pillow,
A dream I longed to see.
A hazardous infection over my body and mind,
Making me ill of desire, and fearful of despair.
A stretch of a five-mile highway and my legs broke,
The evil intent of a wasp within my brain buzzing,
The pale long face of the moon that corrupts me,
The sent of evil guarding my doorway.
Melancholy shatters my bones and with each piece,
A thought leaves my entity.
Pleasure bites my tongue; I'm trying to speak,
She melts my thoughts in her burning womb,
She seizes my body and makes it her temple.
Arise are my senses, my emotions evolve,
Pending my logic, my reason hangs from a noose,
And a dark thread of what used to be me,
Can still be seen perched above a spider's web.
A mirror for your thought I offer,
A sin for your soul I bequeath,
A fragment of my mind to attend your reflections,
A piece of my soul to escort your thoughts.
With this, be a curse or a blessing I leave you,
To sweeter than your dreams ought to be,
Whether imaginings or hopes, will fulfil you,
I will be there when you need.
Written By- erifily,

The Dream
What people call madness is really truth
When you walk through life detatched and surreal
It is because you know there is nobody there
It is only for themselves they exist and feel
When you hear a voice speaking to you
It is not what it seems
To others the words are silent
To you, they are whispered by dreams
People don't want to hear them
But the words are still there
But only I listen
No-one else seems to care
The dream words will tell me
The world is all wrong
Only dreams will be left
When everything else is gone
People think dreams are not real
They are all in the head
But one day they'll realise
That really they're dead
They never existed
They are not what they seem
They're a shell, and inside
Is only the dream
Written by Charlotte Booth,

Winds that know no end breathing life
to men of sin, the helpless void that knows
no bounds brings such ones the warmth of
heavens clouds, where thunders and lightnings
sear the sky, where no flowers blossum amung
the high. To be set free, and and relieved so fast
enter and breathe the realm of everlast.
Nor clouds nor wings, or harps serene
can equal the beauty which I have seen.
Look into the light, dare
not flinch away, for the hand of salvation
cometh this day, and time beyond end-infinities
reach fills up the soul who can humility teach.
For without the way, there is no truth or life in
wich to dispose humanities strife.
I say it aloud for all to hear, the sacred realm
is land without fear. Come one! Come all! Take of
the real life! Live in pleasure and harmony beyond
times nife.
To those without faith, entering hell, I pitty your state
on that side of the veil. Fogotten is time and pain
is at end for this is our destiny for God is our friend.
Written by Adonai Geddon,

Light from Darkness
In time shall the day of prophcey cursed
join the land of living and reality be realized,
that in the time of the blind shall the shadow come
and all light be lifted like the soul of the sea taken by the
sky and given back to the land.
In time the cursed shall manifest themselve to be the very
ones who thought themselves the righteous, yet who knew
in their own hearts of secret that wicket one was with them.
And it shall come upon men and women and children alike
the shadow! And dreams forgotten and loves let go
that the darkness may rule for all to know. No laughter no
health, no birds in flight, for the day belongs to the shadow
and the bats claim the night.
and then it will rise, the storm to tremble the stars, and the
one called Light shall start the wars. Raising those with eyes
to be exalted, and the grinding the blind to dust, for it has come,
a day of judgement, and only those with eyes to see and ears to
hear shall hail his presense.
The man of purity, the writer of destiny, the Father Almighty...
Written by Adonai Geddon,

A degenerate clown walks over to you and asks
‹Would you mind if I take a sniff at your eyeballs?Š
What would you ever, possibly, answer to that?
Standing in the verge of nothingness I let a strange person taste my utter existenceá
And I say ‹now what?Š
So you did after all want itá know let me take your mind off of it!
A butterfly flaps her wings and fly,
She leaves saying good ridden.
How should I reply to that?
A fat naked woman dances, her nipples in my eyes, her belly-button ring in my throat,
What should I say?
A wolf cries, he reminds of my father‰s tomb,
Swords over my dreamsá what are they trying to say?
Fingernails over your flesh be just the answer you were looking forá
No, not this time, pain will be you pleasure but not yet belovedá
It is a wish upon the nightmare of the faithful and true,
An offering to a goddess long gone.
A cat is licking you back to your senses. You were only dreaming.
But is that all you‰ve ever wish? To dream?
Wasn‰t all that meant to be true?
A priestess hurls you in her lap,
Molds you in her dreams,
Fakes you in her bed,
Feels you in her sleep.
And what becomes of all the crumbs of love,
Slowly drifting from her arms?
Written By- erifily,

Somethings Are Better Left Unspoken
You talk of dreams never to be.
You talk of things you've never seen.
You talk lies yet unknowen to me,
for love is blind and i cannot see.
You pierce a dagger through time and space,
bringing insight to my sight.
How blindly i beleived true lies.
A fool was i to have loved you the way i did.
You shall never gain knowledge of the ill feelings i have of you now.
You broke my heart, and time shall dig your grave.
Truth and time always wins.
Somethings are better left unspoken.
Written By *~StormShadow~*

Freedom at Last
I pick up the knife and with one fine thrust send it into my pain filled heart.
As the blood flows
my heartbeats weaken.
My eyes are closing, all light around me is dimming.
Pure silence, Sweet blackness, Everything nothing.
All sensation is lost.
Freedom at Last.
Written By *~StormShadow~*

Inflict a wound, and from forth it comes.
Its redness gives color to my tongue.
My heartbeats slow, as outward the life inside me flows.
This richness has such a unique taste of its own;
But what a wonderfully delicious taste it is -
Written By *~StormShadow~*

For My beautiful slave, chantelle rose...
Lucid in My Own,
Reaching out to touch Reality
Knowing she's so close...
Ethereal sweet and painfully desired,
Tasting her smell,
Her heart dancing
With My Own,
Snatching emotions
From the hot, whispered air,
Devouring them hungrily,
Wanting more,
Strained to gorge Myself
On the obedience of her desires...
Seeing her wince
And smile,
Noting the heaving in her breast,
Touching a finger to the pulse
Of her bared and trusting neck,
Thrusting My Own
Inside her soul,
Disregarding My Own,
Owning and possessing,
Throw away the key
By an eternity
Beyond O/our understanding...
The libertine in Me
Offering her to feed
And nourish
From My dark desires,
Gasping as she does,
O/our breaths drawn sharp,
I pull her down to Me,
Adoring in her innocence,
The crime of Love...
Written By~~ Lord Moros,

I only knew what i had felt.
Nothing more,
Nothing less.
Confusion and Frustration
that's what I felt.
I was certain I loved you.
And now I know I truly did.
No doubts about that.
I must have known the time would come,
when all good things would come to an end.
I was so nieave.
Such a time did, as I never thought it would, come.
Then was a time of great saddness.
A time when I felt the weight of the world on my shoulders.
And I was almost certain that this must be the end.
Too much time wasted over you
Too many tears and lonley nights
Too much to handle for me
The days, one by one, got brighter.
And as time went on, even though sometimes I cryed about you, the more
pleantiful brighter days got.
I'd given my heart,
though you may none of it,
'twas offered.
Ultimatly I relized you didn't love me.
And this took some time to except.
I still love you.
But no more must I mourn.
I have devoted enough time to that.
Some days I think of you and wonder how you are.
Or just remember the time, though very short, we spent together.
Pherhaps we are all in love with our memories,
or maybe in love with the person we use to know.
This is a possible conclusion to the feelings I have acumulated for you.
I'm still uncertain.
I do not know you anymore.
To me, you are yet another stranger in this world.
Yet, once, I loved you.
Time goes by-
and eventually you notice it has healed some of your wounds.
I remember when I thought the pain would never go away...
Oh Lord- it seems a lifetime has passed since then.
The one thing, through it all, that I know for sure is that I will love
you always.
Weather it is the memory of you I will love,
or something much deeper-
I may never know.
My only certainty is that I will love you always,
never will I forget you.
~~Written by: 32browneyes

Shadows of Apocalypse
These are the Final Days
The shadows of Apocalypse
lie across the land
in acrid, polluted wastes.
Death surrounds us all
The Darkness comes
to witness our fall
Is this the end?
Arise, Children of Gaia!
Arise, defenders of life!
The clarion horn soon blows
and will draw us to war!
One last war, one last time.
Fighting for our lives,
Fighting for our children.
Draw upon thy Rage!
In the Final Reckoning,
They won't care at all
If the Changing Breeds
lived, or fell in flames.
But the tale of our fight
will be carried forever
through all generations
to teach our children.
So arise, children of Gaia!
Arise, and forth, to the fight!
Up, to go and war against
the dying of Gaia's light!
~Grey Path-Stalker, Silent Strider Galliard

In The Cellar
It's dark in here
I cannot see my
So quiet
I can hear myself
Someone else
no it cannot be
Are they here for
the liquor and wine
or me
Quite shaken
that I am
Quivering in corner
can they hear me
I smell the awful
must that floats
with them
I hear their deep
I know that style
all too well
in the darkness
Coming closer to
Cornered in the
He's touching
Written by: Candace aka 32browneyes

For Elizabeth
Young woman
Gray eyes
Black velvet
Black silk
Gray eyes
Black hair
Black silk
Tattoo of a chrome-stemmed rose
Black hair
Spot of night against darkness
Tattoo of a chrome-stemmed rose
Dark mirror
Spot of night against darkness
Dark mirror
Silently watching
Vision of gothic beauty
Silently watching
Vision of gothic beauty
Enduring radiance
Asking you over for tea
Enduring radiance
Reflecting only shadows
Asking you over for tea
Voice like rain
Reflecting only shadows
Earl Gray
Voice like rain
Watching the sunrise
Earl Gray
Holding hands
Watching the sunrise
New day coming in
Written by Adam Kranzel
or lordportico@hotmail.com

to Sharon and Erica, with love
continued happiness
Like hot chocolate on cold Saturday mornings
Like blackberries picked together at dawn
Like a Belgian waffle with whipped cream
Like sitting by a fire on a rainy afternoon
Like herbal tea before bed
Like sitting together and reading something new
Like black roses growing by my window
Like something imagined, something out of dream
Like the sunrise
Written by Adam Kranzel
or lordportico@hotmail.com

Day's end
New night coming
I can feel it
Rising darkness
Life is bleak
And love is always shorter in the morning
Written by Adam Kranzel
ace@bear.cs.zorg.edu or lordportico@hotmail.com

A lost and lonely heart
Well at this time what lies upon my mind.
In my case it is not so kind.
I ask myself of death but get no answer.
For I sense this answer as of one that acts in such a manner as a
black panther.
For I feel upon my shoulder my sorrow.
I try to look past this and towards the morrow.
I try to ask.
For I feel this is someone else's task.
In my life I feel now as I'm trapped in a web of lust.
But I feel at the end of this web that there may be someone I trust.
My heart at this time cries out for someone as I await I yearn.
For this to me causes great concern.
My body at night trembles as I feel something go through my heart.
For this feeling is something so sharp.
I sense something before me which is Macabre.
For this creature calls me in a certain way.
I sit and await as my heart cries out.
For the one I call lives a life of death which is no doubt.
I feel such a presense.
For I sense that soon this presense will be revealed right before my naked eye.....
Written by Penelou
Copyright © 1998 Penelope Mehos
All Rights Reserved

The Future
I sense that in the year 2000 an event will take place.
To a mortal this event may cause some disgrace.
I sense that this event may be tragic.
For this event may involve some magic.
The future is not far ahead.
For there may be several lives shed.
This feeling causes some to feel excite.
For this feeling has aroused me at night.
I had a vision of someone standing in a fire.
For this vision made me perspire.
I saw a female immortal.
Speaking to me a mortal.
For I could not hear what she had said.
And so this made me ponder in my head.
I saw her saying something.
But I heard no sounds of her warning me of something becoming.
Now I shall never tell the other mortals.
For this may be a secret of the immortlas.
I shall leave you with a question to ponder on.
Will the immortals take over and rule the world in the year 2000?
Written by Penelou
Copyright © 1998 Penelope Mehos
All Rights Reserved

The soft liquid blue gently wraps her
maiden arms around me. A carress
so tender it moves like silent lover's
whispers to my mind's eye. Her supple
form clinging to , luring me into her
dark embrace, my soul runs to her
lips for comforts it has never known
kissing me softly her gentle hands
massaging my chest with watery coils.
Opening my eyes, I see her, taste her,
breathe her; lulled to everlasting sleep
by her gentle waves and sinking below the
surface of the water my face mirroring
my soul, I slip into a calm so peaceful
that my mind drifts away with the wayward
currents leaving the body to its own ends
while dreaming of what could have been
Written By Lord Roland

A drop of darkness
A touch of frost
A breath of mist
And then we're off
Trodding darkened ways
And crossing blackened streams
We rule this night of mystic dreams
Its arms sheltering us from prying eyes
As we steal kisses from each others sighs
By softened moon and gentled glade
We profess our love and draw silver blade
The blood flows in currents down pale arms
Its waves binding us together but doing no harm
Crimson drops form heart shaped pools in
The glistening snow banks of winters end
A deep kiss and we move away
Dancing shadows playing on melted day
Written By Lord Roland

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