![]() ![]() Dream Girl
The car was parked just off the pavement beside a path leading up the small hill to the right of the road. I pulled over behind it, locking my door before following the trail upwards. Birdsongs and fresh scents filled the air as I made my way along the trail until it leveled out. There it ended on the hill's summit in a small grassy dale overlooking a large still deep blue lake. Bright morning sunlight glanced off it's smooth surface reflecting off the still figure standing beside the shear drop to the water's edge. The light turned her swimsuit almost the same shade of deep brillant blue as that of the lake.She was tall and slender, standing as still as a statue regarding the depths before her. Hair so deeply black that it threw back the sunlight with blue highlights as it fell in a liquid shadow below her shoulders. Staring down, alone in all the world, oblivious to the beauty surrounding her. My approach was silent and I walked up close enough to reach out and touch her. Standing there quitely I noted the tenseness and quivering of her rigidly held body, the lost, empty face looking upon inner sights too terriable to speak of. We stood like this for a short time, she looking into infinity, myself just within her periphal vision, waiting for her to become aware of me. At last as she drew a deep breath and tensed her body to plunge over the side in a last dive, I said, "Please don't" softly. At some level she must have finally become aware of me beside her, yet she still gasped at the sound of my voice, whipping her head around, her mouth forming an 'O' her eyes opened wide showing the whites clearly all the way around. "Come, sit with me a moment. At least before you do something that can't be undone later." "Why?" came out in a small whisper in way of reply. "Because the world and my life would be emptier and have one less thing of beauty in it." I said as I extended an open hand palm up to her. The woman made a sound almost like a snort of disbelief, but took my hand as I led us back a few paces to sit in the tall grass near where she had left her things. As we sat, she brushed the dark hair back over her shoulders with a graceful, long fingered hands and some of the paleness left her bringing a slight olive cast to her tanned skin. Taking a deep breath and eyeing me warily she repeated her earlier question; "Why?" Eyes so dark they appeared completely black looked directly into mine, waiting patiently for my answer. I knew that it had to be a good one else she would dive into this lake or another, never to come out on her own again. "This may sound selfish, perhaps not, but please listen, fully listen! I saw you standing there, on the edge of oblivian and suddenly knew that somehow, someway you were the missing part from my life. Deep within me I knew this to be true, and if you were no more, that empty space could never be filled again, no matter how long or hard I may search, and in some way I am a part of that empty, hollow place in you. You were so beautiful standing there...'If she is even a quarter as beautiful inside as she is on the outside' I said to myself,'then she must be an angel or at the least a saint.' I was willing to take the chance and risk finding out. Are you?" Breaking eye contact, she lowered her gaze and partially turned her head away, looking back over the lake before answering. Still looking into the depths she asked,"I don't know, not really. What do you find so 'attractive' about me?" Her voice highlighted and made a mockery of the last part of her question. "What isn't? I replied, then she looked back into my eyes with anger visible in her's, her skin flushing with the depth of the emotion as if that line had been too often used to hurt her before. "No, I'll tell you if I can find the words to discribe this...feeling." was my hasty answer to her unspoken challange. The pain and anger was apparent in every aspect of her, from posture, the flush of her skin, hardening of muscles to the dialation of her eyes and quickening of breath. I took all of this in, in an eyeblink as I pondered my reply. Taking a deep breath bought me enough time to start. "Why?" I began, "Perhaps this will convince you, though it is but a poor echo of thought and feeling. 'The fall of your hair is like the darkness between the stars on a deep summer night. Deep, soft and silky as those shadows. Your eyes are like obsidian jewels, freshly cut and washed in the sunlight, bright and shining. Lips full and generous, smile as white and warm as fluffy clouds, skin like the finest mediterrean marble glowing in the dawn's blush. Thy face, the work of an anceint master sculptor who has no modern peer, the bones strong yet delicate. A neck shapely as a gazelle's, the bones at it's base exquisite, leading to slender arms and hands as graceful as English Dogwoods. Your smile brightens the entire world like Spring's promise, gifting warmth and love, washing away any previous cares and sorrows. Breasts shapely and proud hills, round and soft, yet firm leading down over rolling plains to the smooth fertile valley of your loins. Legs as shapely and long as columns in a temple to Aphrodite the beautiful. Yet as beautiful the shell which holds it, what lies beneath, that is the most precious and sought after. A heart both strong enough to survive, yet gentle enough to love with tenderness. Warm and passionate but also forgiving. Quickly moved to joy and able to share that happiness without fear. A spirit full of bright light and vigor, happiness, intellegence, curiousity and wonder. The soul of an angel or a saint, proud, compassionate and merciful. To find all of this in one person, to be loved by you is to find paradise or heavan on earth!" Breaking our gaze, I looked down at the grass between us before looking back into her eyes. Taking her hand, I studied her face a moment before asking, "Is that reason enough?" "I'm not sure, no one ever told me these things like you have just now. I don't know you, don't know if you're just trying a line out on me or if you really meant it. All of those words you said. Are they just words?" She looked into my eyes for a long moment, studying my face, perhaps my soul, then sighed. "I don't know why, but I'm tempted to believe you. Something, something strange seems to tell me it's o.k. It feels as if what you said about being the missing part is true. There is just this, this sense of something." Drawing her knees up under her chin, she wrapped her arms around her legs and looked at me, then the lake and back over to me again, studying me once more. "This is strange, too strange, I don't believe in Fate, coincidiences just happening. Who are you? I don't even know your name, and I doubt that you know mine. How did you come here, to this place and find me just now?" I sat up myself and looked back at her, studying all of her in turn before meeting her gaze. "I was traveling, going along and wishing with all of my heart and soul that I would find the woman of my dreams, and would be the person she most wanted. Then I saw your car parked there beside the road and knew that I was close. How close to loosing the chance for meeting you only when I came to the crest of the hill and saw you standing there like that. We are much alike in many ways I think and so I knew something was about to happen. What is the water like there near the edge?" "About five feet deep for six feet then it drops deeply away." "And you were going to dive in, not out far, but close in. So that your death would look like an accident." "Yes." That single word uttered with such nonchalant conviction chilled me to the bone in the warm sunshine. I knew that I too would in some circumstances seek to find a similair end. A terriable sadness and at the same time rage filled me. Standing up suddenly I bent down and grasped her shoulders bringing her to her feet too. Sqeeuzing them tightly I looked into her eyes as I spoke, "Whoever caused you such pain as to do this thing you were about to do, they will pay. I swear this by all that is! I am sorry that it has happened to you, it tears at me, ..." Then I pulled her to me and held her tightly as I could, my arms around her, crying with the depth of the emotion, and then when the stiffness left her and she started to cry too, even more. We both were sobbing with the deep heart felt pain of agony, loss and abandonment, the hurt that comes when you are struck delibrately to the core of you heart by another for their pleasure. Her arms came around me, and she buried her face against my chest as I buried mine in her hair. How long we stood there, nor how long we later lay in the grass holding each other neither could tell nor cared. Nor when the crying stopped and we began kissing the tears from each other's cheeks and eyes. Or later as our clothes left our bodies and fingers or lips took their place. Our loving was a slow gentle tender thing, exploring, treasuring finding secret places and bringing each other to fullfilment deeper than either had ever experianced before. When the gentleness was replaced by urgency and passion we both moved in frantic rhythm until satied we once again held and kissed the other. The aftermath was a warm tender glow equally bright in each other's eyes. Finally we went down and swam for a few minutes in the cold waters of the lake before dressing again. "Where to now?" she asked, a slight hesitation in her voice as if she was suddenly unsure of what was to come next. "Don't know for sure, there is some more driving to do before heading back. Would you be willing to stay with me for awhile and give things a go?" I asked. "Yes, there's not much left for me here, now... I'll come with you if you truely want me." "I do, get your stuff and let's head back. Do you have much in your car?" "No, I'd just as soon go in your's anyway. Mine is about dead." Taking her hand in mine, I raised it to my lips, kissing it briefly before leading her back down to the car and the rest of our journey together.
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