~*~Lady Jennelle Andromeda~*~
Of The Triple Ruling Matriarch Of The House Of Andromeda
Upon Entering Jenn's room... thee find no one is present... There is an open book upon the table... written in Jennelle's own words... and upon close inspection it reads...
~*~My origins, to this day, are still a mystery to me. I was born into
poverty in Nubia, but I ne'er 'ad the chance to know my birth parents... This
is because, after many years of trading with Egypt, the Egyptians came into
Nubia and conquered it...I was an infant at the time... Even later, I was
ne'er told what 'ad truly 'appened to my parents; whether they were killed in
the battle or taken as slaves for the empire. So ye see, e'en as a baby I was
alone. I was raised by a slave master who was a member of the court...I was to
be a slave to the king and queen when I was old enough. As I aged, though, it
was made more and more evident that I was blessed by the Gods... I was
empathic, and I 'ad visions in my dreams that I learned to interpret... I
offered my council to anyone who requested it...word got around that I was a
prophetress for the Gods, and at the mortal age of 15 the king and queen took
me as one of their personal advisors. I was a loyal servant, and in such I
came to be very respected... Although I was technically a slave, I was given
all the rites and privileges of a first class citizen. I was clothed in the
finest cloths and decorated with the finest jewelry...and for that I was
forever grateful to the king and queen. After several years of respectful
service, Amenemhat I took me as one of his minor wives...I couldnae 'ave been
more honored. This also gave me the title of princess; and though I would
ne'er 'ave inherited the throne, I was now part of the royal family...~*~
~*~A few years later, in one of my wanderings about the palace, I came
into contact with a red haired beauty whose name was nae revealed to me. She
both frightened and intrigued me...frightened because I could sense that she
was different somehow...but I ne'er could put my finger on it...and intrigued
me because I couldnae read her. Every other mortal I 'ad ever come into
contact with was like an open book to me...the tides of their emotions washed
o'er me...but nae this woman. She was a void to my empathic sense...I decided
I needed to know more about her... She came to me seeking advice. She was a
middle-class woman who believed that the Gods 'ad cursed her, and she knew nae
why. At least, this was the front she put on...the lie she told me... She
visited me for advice every day for quite a while... But after trying to
pinpoint what her problem was for several weeks and failing, I came to the
conclusion that I couldnae help her... I was ashamed to tell her this, because
I 'ad ne'er failed to channel for the Gods before...I told her that I couldnae
figure out the source of her problems... She suggested that, as a last ditch
effort, I come and sleep in her house for a nite... She thought that perhaps
being there would make it easier to 'ave a vision... Nae wanting to fail, I
agreed. I drifted off to sleep in her dwelling, nae thinking of too
much...little did I know this was to be the last time I was mortal... I awoke
in confusion sometime during that nite...in a sort of daze I remember her
drinking from me...when I awoke in the morning, I felt very sick. I also felt
very different...and I noticed also that my empathic sense 'ad been
heightened... That day, I parted with this woman, telling her that I was
unable to understand what the Gods 'ad in store for her... I didnae mention
anything about the strange memory of her draining the blood from my body
because I thought it was all a dream... I thought, surly, creatures that feed
on mortal blood couldnae exist, could they? After that day, I knew something
was wrong...I didnae feel...alive...anymore... I finally decided to go back to
this woman and question her about my memories of that nite...but she was
nowhere to be found... My Mistress 'ad abandoned me...~*~
~*~I was weak...confused...for a long time after my turning... I still
didnae know the truth behind what was changed in me... I didnae know of
Nosferatu... I was sick on and off for a long time...yet I still loyally
served the king and queen... Centuries passed...I was alone and confused...I
didnae understand why others around me grew old and passed away, and yet I
didnae. I was an outcast...I so wished to die and rejoin the Gods... I
remained in service of the temple, however...always the prophetress...
Strangely enough, I found I 'ad the ability to confuse mortals...that is,
deceive them as to what my true age was. Even as generation after generation
of rulers came and passed, I remained in service of the king and queen... No
one e'er questioned my age...I learned 'ow to live the the shadows of other
people's minds...so that they either didnae recognize me for what I was or
didnae even bother to ever look...~*~
~*~It was during the rule of Cleopatra when I noticed a newcomer in the
palace. She was a hauntingly beautiful woman with firey hair and the fairest
of skin...she was obviously a foreigner... But, because of my background, so
was I... My curly ginger hair and pale skin didnae resemble that of the other
Egyptians at all... I became fascinated with the fact that there was another
stranger in this land... I then noticed her watching me...trying to remain
hidden...and yet I sensed her presence. I didnae say anything to her,
though... It was strange...although I was sure I 'ad ne'er seen this woman
before, she felt like kin to me... She came to me one day and told me who she
was...introduced herself as Xanthia... But more importantly, she told me WHAT
she was. Up to this point, I 'ad no idea that there were others like
me...others that were immortal...that craved the richness of blood...I was so
relived to find a common bond with someone... I told her of my Mistress, and
Xanthia knew of her...told me that her name was Aceldama...she also told me of
Aceldama's horrible deeds...and so, I learned that Xanthia was my sister...
She saw that I was very weak... She took pity on me, and taught me the ways of
our people...the ways of the Nosferatu... Then, in a great show of trust and
kindness, she fed me from her own veins...I am forever in her debt for that...
And so, I became Jennelle Andromeda...the first daughter of Xanthia
Andromeda... And I noticed once again that with the blood of another Nosferatu
my empathic sense was heightened...this time very much so... I noticed that my
ability to block the emotions of others 'ad vanished... I could nae longer
shield myself from psychic assult...this was, and still is, a great source of
pain for me... But anyway, I was so grateful to Xanthia...time passed and I
came to love her with all my heart...I 'ad found a bond with her...we became
eternal companions... through everything, we were, and still are,
inseperable...and because of all the time that 'as passed, I now refer to her
as my sister...~*~
~*~Xanthia and I were both servants of Cleopatra, and we adored
her...gave her our complete loyalty... When she chose to take her own life, we
were both devastated. Egypt became a bitter place for us then, so we chose to
flee our homeland...the only home that I 'ad e'er known... We stayed for a bit
with Threatian, Xanthia's lover... In my time there, I was taken in as chosen
daughter of the House of Ryn... More and more so I was coming to see that
there were quite a number of Nosferatu out there...at least many more than I
'ad originally thought...~*~
~*~At this point, Xanthia and I chose to separate. It was nae for any
particular reason...we were both lost souls at this point and felt that we
needed to find ourselves again... She traveled with Threatian, and I went on
alone... I found a place serving as a sage and medic to the Romans for a time,
but eventually I wasnae 'appy with that either. I wandered about the
earth...alone and lost... My wanderings eventually took me to Europe, and as I
passed through Scotland I saw the dark beauty that was Ryliegh...we fell in
love and dwelled in Scotland for a while...he took me into his House as First
Princess of the House of Starrs...he told me of Atlantis, where we also took
refuge for a bit... We 'ad many adventures, but they are of nae real
consequence... And I will spare ye the details since ye know already of the
history of Ryliegh and myself...~*~
~*~As time passed, I longed more and more for my homeland...for
Egypt...and for Xanthia, my eternal companion... I finally decided to
return...I parted with Ryliegh...it was a very painful time for me, but I felt
it 'ad to be done. On my way back home, I met a mage who told me of the sad
fate of Amenahkken... To my surprise, Xanthia arrived and met me there as
well... It seems that we were both longing for home and each other... Then,
Xanthia and I and did the only thing we could think of to honor poor
Amenahkken...we collected his ashes and stored them in a small jar, buried
beneath a stone of his temple of entrapment... We then returned to Egypt, and
dwelled in its lush gardens for a time... It was at this point that we met
Phoebeus, the leader of the Order of the Watchers, and took up our own duties
as Eternal Watchers...but Xanthia 'as told ye of this...~*~
~*~Threatian came back to Xanthia, but he was changed...and went by the
name of Christian... At this point Egypt was beginning to decline... Our
beautiful home was turning to shambles, and my heart was broken. Xanthia,
Christian and I left...wandered about the earth...country to country and
continent to continent... I found and parted with Ryliegh several times during
our wanderings... Eventually, Christian and Xanthia separated, but she and I
remained together... We learned of the death of Aceldama and took our rightful
places as rulers of the House of Andromeda...we tried to make right what once
was wrong...to pick up the pieces of our family and make it glorious again...
We 'ave succeeded to a point...we 'ave both sacrificed much in the name of
~*~Christian returned to Xanthia, and Xanthia bore mortal children... Ye
know full well what became of them...'ow they are the Lost Ones... Christian
parted from Xanthia again, and the loss of both him and her children left a
great void in her heart...~*~
~*~This brings me to now... Xanthia and I, over the years, 'ave gone
through many more adventures and trials... But they are of no relevance to
anyone else, really... If ye would like to know any more, all ye must needs do
is ask... All that really matters is that I am, eternally, Jennelle
E-mail Jennelle

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