Members Of The HousePast and Present

Thee walk into a dimily lit room... scrolls casually tossed across the tables... open books laying carelssly about... quill pens and open and dryed bottles of ink everywhere... As if someone has stayed up countless nights writing the histories and transferring them from scroll to book... Translating the ancient tongues... Carved into the walls of the room are the full titles of the members of the house... Both past and present... and softly running thy fingers across the etching... Thou canst dimly make out the words...
^*^Vryn, Sire of Aceldama Andromeda...Immortal Enemy of Cyris... Deceased Member of The House^*^
~*~Lady Aceldama Andromeda, First Matriarch of The House of Andromeda... Daughter
of Vryn... Sister of Romulus... Mother of Sharron... Khristopher... Xanthia...
Jennelle... The Unknown One... Amenahkken... Lover of Pertolope... Companion
of Duvant Ryn, Patriarch of The House of Ryn... The Spurned One... Deceased Member of The House~*~
~*~ Lady Xanthia... Of The Triple Ruling Matriarch of The House of Andromeda... Third child to Madame Andromeda, First matriarch to the House of Andromeda... Sister to Jennelle Andromeda, Of The Triple Ruling Matriarch of The House of Andromeda... Sister of Sharron Andromeda, First child of Madame
Aceldama Andromeda... Sister of Khristopher Andromeda, First son of Madame Aceldama Andromeda... Sister of Amenahkken Andromeda, departed son of Aceldama Andromeda... Sister to SilverEyes, Of The Triple Ruling Martriarch of The
House of Andromeda... Sister to Ahriman, First Prince of The House of Andromeda... Guardian Immortal to Sabian, First Princess of The House of
Andromeda... Sister to Arphalia Thorne, Beloved Advisor and Knight to The House of Andromeda... The Lost Eternal Love of Christian, First Prince to The
House of Ryn... First Princess to The House of Ryn... Chosen Daughter to the House of Starrs... Second Princess to the House of Starrs... Mother of the
Departed Xander... Mother of Jennelle Andromeda... Mother of The Lost Ones... Protectress of Mortal Kind... The Eternal Watcher... Worshipful Servant of the
Lady and the Lord... Eternal Companion to Jennelle Andromeda... Guardian of the Earth... Stalker of Evil... Prophetress of The Lord and Lady... Mistress of the Shadows... Searcher of the Past... Sage of Wisdom... Seer of The Mysteries... Friend to The Fae of the Sidhe and the Underhill... Weaver of Dark Words... Priestess in The Black Guard...~*~
~*~Lady Jennelle... Of The Triple Ruling Matriarch of The House of Andromeda... Sister to Lady Xanthia, Of The Triple Ruling Matriarch of The House of Andromeda... Sister to SilverEyes, Of The Triple Ruling Matriarch of The House of Andromeda... Sister to Ahriman, First Prince of The House of Andromeda... Guardian Immortal to Sabian, First Princess of The House of Andromeda... Sixth Child of Madame Andromeda, Former Matriarch of the House of Andromeda... First Child of Lady Xanthia, Of The Triple Ruling Matriarch of The House of Andromeda... Lover of the Patriarch of the House Of Starrs... First Princess of the House Of Starrs... Chosen Daughter to The House of Ryn... Sister of Sharron... Khristopher... Amenahkken... Sister of The Departed Xander... Sister of The Lost Ones... Adept Empath... Protectress of
Mortal Kind... Guardian of the Earth... The Lost Eternal Watcher... Worshipful Servant of the Lady and the Lord... Stalker of Evil... Prophetress of The Lord and Lady... Mistress of the Shadows... Searcher of the Past... Sage of Wisdom... Priestess of The Black Guard...~*~
~*~Lady Silvereyes... Of The Triple Ruling Matriarch of The House of Andromeda... Sister to Lady Xanthia... Of The Triple Ruling Matriarch of The House of Andromeda... Sister to Lady Jennelle... Of The Triple Ruling Matriarch of The House of Andromeda... Sister & Beloved To Ahriman... First Prince of The House of Andromeda... And Former First Prince of Blood... Sister and Advisor to Lady Elyzabeth Ash II Empress of Blood... Sister and Spiritual Guardian of Lady Morganna Mayhem ... Sister to Lord Roland... Lord Syn... and Femmefatale.... Sister to Khristopher Andromeda... and Princess Dark Angel Ravenell Arphalia Andromeda.... Soul Sister to Lady DarkRose the Lady in Waiting of Andromeda... First Child To The First Empress Of Blood... Athenia de la Grem... Former Empress and Founder... Mother of Sabian... First Princess to The House of Andromeda and Angel of Darkness... Mother of the Departed Twins of Light Landrya and Trimyal... Mother of the Departed Jereth Lord of Darkness and Fire... Mother of the Departed Aaddrien Prince of Passion... Slayer of Lour... Decendent of the Four... Eternal Student to Jerhold... High Priestess of the Black Guard... Loving Keeper of the Memory of Shamar... Departed Twin... Dark Poetress of Pain... Mistress of Shadows... Mistress of Dusk... Suductress of Men... Keeper of Ydrial and Last... Companion to the Banshee... Black Widow of Nosferatu... And Mommy's Lost Soul...~*~
^*^Lord Ahriman Andromeda... First Prince to The House of Andromeda... Former First Prince Of Blood... Son of Athenia de la Grem Founder of Blood... Son of Don Valdemar De Xanatos... Brother and Beloved to Lady Silvereyes Andromeda... Of The Triple Ruling Matriarch of The House of Andromeda... Brother to Lady Xanthia Andromeda... Of The Triple Ruling Matriarch of The House of Andromeda... Brother to Lady Jennelle Andromeda... Of The Triple Ruling Matriarch of The House of Andromeda... Brother to Lady Elyzabeth Ash II Empress of Blood... Lady Morganna Mayhem QuickSilver... Lady Gabrielle... Lord Roland... Lord Syn... Father to Sabian... First Princess Of The House of Andromeda... and Angel of Darkness... Father of the Departed Aaddrien Prince of Passion... Father of the Departed Aaddrien Prince of Passion... Protector of Morganna... And Sworn Protector to The House of Andromeda...^*^
~*~Princess Sabian Andromeda... First Princess Of The House of Andromeda... Daughter of Lady Silvereyes Andromeda... Of The Triple Ruling Matriarch of The House of Andromeda... Daughter of Lord Ahriman Andromeda... First Prince and Protector of The House of Andromeda... First Heir to Lady Silvereyes... Sister to the Departed Twins of Light... Landrya and Trimyal... Sister to the Departed Jereth... Lord of Darkness and Fire... Sister to the Departed Aaddrien Prince of Passion... The Ferret... Angel of Darkness... And Mommy's Bright Eyes and Cutey Pie...~*~
~*~Lady Arphalia Andromeda... Second Princess to the House of Andromeda... Personal Advisor to The Lady Silvereyes Andromeda... Sister and to Lady Silvereyes Andromeda... Of The Triple Ruling Matriarch of The House of Andromeda... Sister to Lady Xanthia Andromeda... Of The Triple Ruling Matriarch of The House of Andromeda... Sister to Lady Jennelle Andromeda... Of The Triple Ruling Matriarch of The House of Andromeda... Sister to LadyDarkRose of Andromeda... Lady in Waiting... Sister to Ahriman Andromeda... First Prince and Protector of Andromeda... Silver's Prodigee... Dark Angel Ravenell... Zeniethe, Shy Slave Dancer... And Priestess of The Black Guard...~*~
~*~Lady DarkRose Andromeda... Lady in Waiting to the House... Soul Sister to the Lady Silvereyes Andromeda... Of the Triple Ruling Matriarch of the House of Andromeda... Soul Sister to the Lady Xanthia Andromeda... Of the Triple Ruling Matriarch of the House of Andromeda... Soul Sister to the Lady Jennelle Andromeda... Of the Triple Ruling Matriarch of the House of Andromeda... Watcher of the First Princess of the House Sabian Andromeda... Sister to Second
Princess Dark Angel Ravenell aka Arphalia Andromeda... Sister and protectee of the Lord Ahriman Andromeda... First Prince of the House... Sister to Kristopher Andromeda.... Honorary Watcher of the
Black Guard... Lady of the Sweetest Sorrow...~*~
~*~Lady Sharron Andromeda, First Child of Aceldama Andromeda... First Heir to The
House of Andromeda... Sister of Xanthia... Jennelle... Amenahkken...
SilverEyes... Mother of Mirabelle... Shawnah... Therea... The Fair One... The
First Deserter... Empath to The Tribes... Guardian Immortal to Ambrosia, First
Princess to the House of Willow... Earthen Daughter of Isis... Keeper of The
Eye of Horus... Deceased Member Of The House~*~
^*^Lord Khristopher Andromeda, First Son of Aceldama Andromeda, Second Child of
Aceldama Andromeda, First Empress of the House of Andromeda... First Prince of
The House of Andromeda, Non-Participative... Father of Skryu... Mia...
Bella... Brother of Sharron... Amenahkken... Xanthia... Jenelle...
SilverEyes... Lover of The Departed Aceldama... Mourner of Eternity... Scourge of The Damned... Prophet to the Ancient Gods... Guardian Father of Angel,
First Prince of the House of Drunes... Druid High Preist...
^*^Lord Amenahkken Adromeda, Fourth Child to Madame Andromeda... Brother of
Sharron... Amenahkken... Xanthia...Jennelle... SilverEyes... The Damned of The
Damned... Slayer of All Kind... Scourge of The Gods... The Trapped One... Deceased Member Of The House^*^
^*^Lord Xander Andromeda, First Child of Xanthia Andromeda, Of The Triple Ruling
Matriarch of The House of Andromeda... Son of Xanthia Andromeda and Duvant
Ryn... Son of The Mages of The House of Duvant... Son of Aceldama Andromeda,
First Matriarch to The House of Andromeda... The Departed One... The Wild
One... Son of The Wilds...^*^
The Lost Ones:
Xanthia Andromeda, Mortal Child of Xanthia Andromeda, Of The Triple Ruling
Matriarch of The House of Andromeda and Christian Ryn, First Prince to The
House of Ryn... Child of The Magicks...
Jennelle Andromeda, Mortal Child of Xanthia Andromeda, Of The Triple Ruling
Matriarch of The House of Andromeda and Christian Ryn, First Prince to The
House of Ryn... Child of The Magicks...~*~
Thee notice two scrolls in particular that seem to glow more than the others... and curiosity peeking... Thee Might choose to open one or the other...
Members Of The House of Ryn
Members Of The House of Starrs

After reading all the inscriptions thee decide to
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