~*~Lady Silvereyes Andromeda~*~
Of The Three Ruling Matriarch Of The House of Andromeda

Upon entering the room... one notices a beautiful woman sitting upon a large high backed throne... She has long fiery red hair... cascading across her shoulders in flaming waves... and sitting before her at her feet is a large Siberian White Tiger... he growls protectively... As if challenging any who dare harm his mistress... and she smyles softly... casting her gaze to thee... And much to thy surprrize... her eyes are a metallic silver color... the shining orbs glowing brightly... Thou hast the distinctive feeling thee should be afriad... but thou canst only feel warmth from her... and thy soul feels strangely at peace...
Into the room flies a red hawk... and it lands upon the arm of her throne... she begins to stroke it's feathers lightly... and as she does so... she speaks...
Welcome to my home... Feel free to wander and stay awhile... If thee wish... thou canst learn more of me from that book over there...
She gestures to a strange book sitting upon a table... nothing is written in it... Yet upon approach it begins to write before thy eyes...

What dost thou wish to know of the Lady Silvereyes...?
Thee wish to know more of her history in the Black Guard... so thee decide to...
Turn The Page to the right...
....But upon closer inspection thee become curious of her orgins and her history with the Family of Blood... and thee decide to Turn The Page to the left...
To Mail Silver:

Thou dost not wish to look further into the books...
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