Of The Triple Ruling Matriarch Of The House Of Andromeda![]() Come, my child, there is much that you desire to know...and I shall tell some of it to you...but other parts...deeper parts...they are mine...and I do not know when or if I shall be able to share them with thee...
*Xanthia shivers slightly...her hand growing even cooler as she speaks*
These gifts continued...night after night...a young boy, just inside the
gates...Some three decades wore on like this...My still being frightened of
the world...My self-entrapment within the confines of the grounds of my former
Mistress...But, yet, the gifts continued and I grew strong...And after fifty
years of entrapment, I emerged...I broke free of my hell...
I wandered the plains of Siberia...I journied all about the globe...ne'er
settling down, always searching for something which I did not even
understand...Then, I found it...or rather, it found me...My dark prince...I
cimmerinnion angel...Threatian, First Prince to The House of Ryn...He was the
one who for fifty years, brought me a young boy...He was the one who made it
possible for me to survive what my Mistress had done to me...He took me into
his arms and he kissed me...the energies of our love flowed between us...
Do you know what it is like to need something so bad that it almost kills you
not to have it? Well, child, neither did I...until...the first separation...
*a crimson tear falls from her crystalline eye*
I am sorry...mayhap this is one of the parts that I can not share with
thee...It has happened three times...three separations...they do not hurt as
bad anymore...or perhaps 'tis that I do not feel as much anymore...But, if you
must know...we are not together anylonger...well, we are still bound to one
another, and our separation still eats at us...but we need these times
apart...or at least 'tis what I keep telling myself...There is something that
I wish for you to understand, though...'tis not that he dost not share my
love, but nosferatu are a different breed...we have deep-seated fears...we can
not always admit our wrongs...
*she sighs* *she squeezes your hand tightly in her nervousness, but you feel that you should not say anything...* We went to search for Aceldama...Duvant told us that she was a great woman... something special and that I needed to try again to find a peace with her...to make amends...And then we found her...she was still travelling the globe with Khristopher...their love was so great...and when we approached her, he attacked me...he threw my delicate frame with all the might of his nosferatu blood...in defense I attacked back, bearing my fangs in rage...We fought and fought and as weariness was settling into me...and I thought that I should die right there, but Threatian leapt in...the pain in me was ten-fold in him...And, in his rage, he destroyed Khristopher...
But, as of this last fall, I learnt that he did not die...he was wounded, but
he recovered...And he came home to me...We forgave the past...All this was not
this easy, though, I shall not get into the details of our trials...
But, as I was saying, Aceldama blamed me for the loss of her love...And I
blamed me...This guilt that I carried with me...it destroyed me...I was hurt
so badly and I left Threatian...And I made the worst mistake of my life...I
turned one...By magickal means, so as not to taint my own blood, but I made
another vampyre nonetheless...
'Tis not bad that I made him...that was not the evil...'twas that by the
infusion of my blood and a vile of my mother's blood that was held by Duvant,
Xander was not well...He lost his grips to humanity and he was lost...forever
damned to roam the woods and live as an animal...He is the myth of our kind,
but I assure you that he is real...that he is of my blood...And that he is my
greatest tragedy...
*she smyles, shifting her weight in the throne...*
This brings us up closer to the present...well, somewhat...Threatian and I
were separated and reunited...And in 594 CE, we decided that we would have a
child... by mortal means...or at least the closest thing to mortal means as we
could...We gathered a group of nosferatu...Ancient ones...holders of the
magicks...and through ceremony, the torture of the nosferatu was
reversed...only long enough for me to be impregnated by my love...9 months
later, my twin daughters were born...half mortal, half nosferatu...Xanthia and
Jennelle...after myself and my sister...They lived into their ninties, but
they were not destined to become nosferatu...'twas not in my plan to damn them
as I am... You wish to know how I am still alive...You want to know how I have survived such tragedies...Well, 'took much hard work...*she smyles* I am forced to shut myself off from the world, sometimes, though...'Tis something that all sentient life shares...the lack of the ability to handle the blows of life...'tis the same for us...Sometimes it kills me to see another one that I love perish, but I have learned to handle the tragedies...looking instead to the joys in my life...'Tis the only way that I know how...
I have taken enough of your time...I have but one more tale to tell thee...The
coming of my newest sister and fellow matriarch, SilverEyes...
As part of the Family of Blood, she was promised the throne, when that was
denied to her, her pain was great and she suffered much...Seeing her as an
equal and as a dear friend, I thought to bring her into the family...Jenn
agreed...and she became Lady SilverEyes Andromeda...With her came her love, my
good friend, Ahriman...And finally, their daughter, the lovely Princess
Sabian...a child of great ability...she shall be a great vampyre one day...she
shall be a survivor...'tis a quality that I can see in her already...
Our second newest addition, Advisor Arphalia Thorne, was added at the opening of this last
new year of 1998...She is now the second Princess of our House...a lost soul, but she is a good
person...a special soul...
And then there is our newest addition... The LadyDarkRose... or "Jevea" to those that know her well... As a Lady in Waiting for the time being... but so much more... She is of a special and ancient soul as well... and we have many plans for her in the future...
*she smyles, raising from her throne...she takes your hand and leads you to
the door...*
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